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Assignment 2

Common Themes

Theme 1: Similar Reasons for Taking the Class

Multiple students discussed two key aspects that incentivized them to take the class. One major aspect was their curiosity in how media generally computer science and human interaction and vice versa. Many students discussed their true, heartfelt interest in media, since it is something they consume regularly and frequently, and how the everchanging landscape of media is something that deserves to be explored. Additionally, most students listed that another factor that further propelled them to take Computers and New Media was that it was a major requirement.





Theme 2: Ubiquitous Types of Media Consumed

Many students had overlap in the not only the type of media they consumed, but the way they categorized their media. Many students had categories such as movies, television shows, music, social media, books, and games. While some students had unique categories (such as "Media I Create" and "Stand Up Comedy"), the aforementioned categories -- especially movies and television shows --- were ubiquitious. Additionally, many of the media consumed that the students had listed reflected their cultural heritage and niche interests, with many students listing media in different languages or extremely specific hobbies, like journaling. 





Theme 3: Concerns and Challenges

An overwhelming theme among different students regarding challenges was the reality of compatibility/translation/etc in the frequently changing landscape of modern media. One example is how some students are frustrated with the way movies and shows are scattered across a variety of different streaming platforms, all of which have their own unique restrictions/barriers to access. Other students name similar challenges with compatibility, especially across different social media platforms. With mobile apps becoming more and more common, making sure that mobile and web applications flow seamlessly is important. 




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